Description of customer needs
Development of ideas
Objectives of the development
Final result

A study of client needs in Germany
Interviews with network owners and planners of FTTH networks and measurement of the time spent for digging, blowing and splicing - gave these clear needs and desires for a new outdoor access solution.
- Kürzere Installationszeit
- Wetterunabhängiges Einblasen und Spleißen
- Bessere Nutzung von Engpässen wie Auftragnehmern und erfahrenen Spleißern
- Ein kompakteres, steiferes und diskreteres Design
Description of customer needs
Development of ideas
Objectives of the development
Final result

Development of ideas together with German customers
Workshops with industrial designers, as well as Danish and German fiber installers.
- Use of experience from rolling out fiber networks in Scandinavia with homes passed rate of 85%
- German and Danish fiber installers compared methods and products
- Ideas providing the greatest value for the German FTTH network owners were selected
Description of customer needs
Development of ideas
Objectives of the development
Final result

Setting the development goals
Triarca set and determined, alongside German FTTH installers, the needs of the new access solutions
- Faster to install
- Better utilization of bottlenecks like contractors and experienced splicers
- Less errors and a total avoidance of extra costs for preparing the workplace
- Possibility for easy documentation of the work
Desription of customer needs
Development of ideas
Objectives of the development
Final result